Soster Automation

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The thirty-years experience in bakery products, in particular bread-sticks, for handicraft users and industrial too, make of Soster Automations the ideal partner for your problems solution about dosing and packaging.

Our products and solutions contribute to:

* to saving costs

* to increase efficiency of production

* to cut down probability of products contamination

* to cut manpower and pertinent problems

All image, video and text on this site, are intellectual property of Soster Automation

Each action reserved to the rights owner from national and international laws, accomplished without his autorization, will be persecutable in conformity with civil and penal laws.
If autorized of use, you must to mention of Soster Automation.
Above said data can't be used for promoting or making an activity which competes with Soster Automation.

Last Update 26/01/2009

(added new photos in metaldetector section)
(added new VIDEO section, contact us for password)

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Soster Automation - Via torino, 64 - Villa del Bosco (Bi) - Italy - Ph: (0039) 0163862009 - Fax (0039) 0163862914 - P.Iva IT 01211200025 |

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